Mark Beane
(617) 494-4747 Ext. 2260
Marketing Services »
SeminarSelect was built from the ground up with one mission: to deliver live and interested attendees to your in-person financial seminars, in the cities and venues where you are holding them, anywhere in the world. This system has two prongs:
Prong 1: New registrants with MarketBrowser are automatically invited to your seminar if it is close to their home (e.g., 40 miles), and within your specified time horizon (e.g., 60 days). We present to the prospect a crisp, clear invitation (see sample below) which offers the several available locations and dates in the prospect's area.
Prong 2: Each month or more often, our SeminarSelect invitation generator proactively scans our database of users for any live nearby your upcoming seminars, and sends geo-targeted invitations to individuals living in your specified geographic proximity to your forthcoming seminars.
CPA Certainty. For free seminars, all accepted invitations are billable on a CPA basis. Paid seminars are offered on a CPM basis. Please contact us for pricing.
Extraordinary Yield. We are certain that you will find this proprietary system to offer you an extraordinarily high yield on your seminar marketing spend.
SeminarSelect was developed and tested in unison with one of the leading financial seminar providers in the U.S. who used it to substantially increase their yield on spend for driving high-quality attendees to their seminars across the U.S.
Prong 1: New registrants
Prong 2: Active Users